Your Division:
Your District:
Your Lodge:
Unique Request ID:
Using the Dropdown below - select the dispensation you are seeking (a full description will follow):
Authorising the initiation of a candidate from the age of eighteen years
Rule 52(c)
52. Age and Other Qualifications of Candidates
c. The Grand Master may by dispensation authorise the admission of the son of a Master Mason in good standing and repute from the age of 18 years.
Abridging the times relating to the initiation of a candidate
Rule 57(b)
57. Initiation
b. No candidate shall be initiated earlier than the next regular meeting after he has been balloted for and elected a member of the Lodge.
Authorising a Lodge to hold meetings at a place other than the place named in the Charter or By-laws
Rule 84
84. Temporary Change of Meetingplace
If it is impracticable to hold a meeting or meetings of a Lodge at its meetingplace the Master
shall apply to his Divisional Grand Master for a dispensation for a temporary change of meetingplace.
Authorising a Lodge to hold a regular meeting on a day other than the day fixed by its By-laws
Rule 78(c)
78. Dates of Meetings
c. A Lodge may in special circumstances be granted a dispensation from its Divisional Grand Master to hold any regular meeting on a substituted day named in the dispensation.
Authorising Brethren to be in Masonic regalia in public / allowing non-masons into a Lodge Room
This rule also applies to non-masons / ladies being admitted to the Lodge room
Rule 184
184. Public Appearance in Masonic Clothing
No Brother shall appear in public clothed in regalia or wearing any of the permitted jewels of the Craft except by dispensation from the Grand Master.
Authorising the conferring of a degree after less than the regular interval
Rule 61
61. Interval between Degrees
No Lodge shall confer more than one degree on any Brother on the same day, nor shall a further degree be conferred on any Brother at a shorter interval than four weeks after his receiving a previous degree, except by dispensation from the Grand Master, and then not at a shorter interval than seven days.
Authorising a Lodge to hold in any one Masonic year more than three emergency meetings for conferring degrees
Rule 80(c)
80. Emergency Meetings
c. Except by dispensation from its Divisional Grand Master, no Lodge shall hold in any one Masonic year more than three emergency meetings for the purpose of conferring degrees.
Authorising a Lodge to elect a member as an honorary member
Rule 93(a)
93. Honorary Members
a. If the Bylaws of a Lodge provide, and with the prior dispensation of its Divisional Grand Master, the Lodge may elect as an honorary member any member of the Lodge who has rendered eminent service to the Lodge or the Craft.
Authorising a Worshipful Master to be elected to office of Master for a third consecutive year
Rule 35
35. Maximum Period of Office
No Brother shall continue as Master of a Craft Lodge for more than two years in succession without a dispensation from the Grand MasterĶ¾ but he may again hold the office after he has been out of that office for one Masonic year.
Authorising a District Grand Master to hold office in a Lodge
Rule 145
145. Ineligibility for Office in Craft Lodge
No Divisional or District Grand Master shall be eligible for office in any Craft Lodge except by dispensation from the Grand Master.
Authorising a Lodge to hold a Meeting without a Charter
Rule 22(a)
22. Necessity for Charter
a. No Lodge, except while acting under dispensation from the Grand Master, can meet without a Charter.
Authorising a Brother to me Master in two Lodges simultaneously
Rule 34
34. Pluralities Forbidden
No Brother shall be Master of more than one Lodge at the same time without a dispensation from the Grand Master.
Why are you seeking this dispensation?
Please record the start and finish dates for the dispensation (if applicable):
Start Date:
Finish Date:
The "Approving Officer" for this dispensation is the Grand Master
The "Approving Officer" for this dispensation is the Divisional Grand Master
The "Approving Officer" for this dispensation is the District Grand Master
This dispensation request has been emailed to yourself; the Approving Officer; and Grand Lodge. You should receive a response via email within 72 hours. You can follow up a request by contacting the Approving Officer direct.
VW Bro
RW Bro
MW Bro
Your Firstname / Last Name:
Your Rank:
Your Position in Lodge:
Your Email Address:
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Date Request Submitted:
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