Publicity for your Events

Freemasonry is not a secret society
Publicity is our window to public perception of Freemasonry and to attracting new members
There are always stories waiting to be found

What is news?

  • Scandal
  • Disasters
  • Triumph over adversity
  • Uniqueness
  • Association with a celebrity

    What is not news?

    • Fifty years of attendance at meetings
    • Presentation of cheques
    • A story only of interest to those who participated
    • Concentration on the giver, not the recipient
    • Generally anything with Freemasonry as the subject

      The three steps for event publicity...


      Improved readability!
      Example: V.W.Bro. J.D.Smith P.G.Lec. PM versus VWBro John Smith
      Drop the title after the first reference.
      Refer to Lodge No. only once in an article.

      What makes a good story?

      • A unique angle - why should this be national news?
      • A text, with supporting photos and captions, with a news angle
      • Quotations from participants.
      • Concentration on the recipients rather than the worthy Masons

        What does not make a good story?

        • The presentation of a cheque
        • Straight text – with nothing quotable
        • A story with no illustrations
        • Presentation of a 50/60/70 year award without a back story to give wider reader appeal

          The Backstory

          Instead of focusing on the presentation of a cheque - Get interesting facts about the recipient/s and what the money achieved

          50/60/70 year Awards - "The life story" angle. Old black and white or sepia photos may not be good quality but they convey a sense of history even if they are a recent picture.

          What makes a good photo?

          • Action shots
          • The subject standing out from the background
          • Meaningful captions
          • Not always as it seems

          The following photos all involved the presentation of a cheque...

          What doesn't make a good photo?

          • Grin and grip line ups
          • Standing rigidly to attention
          • Photos taken against the light
          • Low resolution images

            Tips when taking photos

            • Try different angles
            • Be conscious of the background
            • Take lots of photos at the time of an event - you can always go back and delete the bad quality ones

              • Please do not send photos embedded in a word document - jpg or png only

                Group photos can be...

            Freemasons University Scholarships 2017 Group Pic


            Powering Potential 2018 group photo high res

            or dynamic

            Freemasons Media needs you!