Northland RAC a moveable feast!
January 18, 2018
Grand Proclamation as reported by the Taranaki Daily News
March 5, 2018
Northland RAC a moveable feast!
January 18, 2018
Grand Proclamation as reported by the Taranaki Daily News
March 5, 2018

A Centurion with Fortitude at St Andrew

New Zealand’s most Southerly Lodge, The Fortitude Lodge No.64, a foundation Lodge of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, has it’s Lodge in Bluff or Campbell Town, a Sea Port.

Also a member of St Andrew Royal Arch Chapter No 90.

On the 3rd September 2017 a very dedicated Freemason and Royal Arch Mason, who has attended his Lodge assiduously for many years, became a Centurion.

WBro/ExComp Wallace Percival Roy Price (known as Wally Price) was proposed into the Lodge by W Bro Fred Denny (deceased) and seconded by Bro Colin King (still a member of the Fortitude Lodge) on      18th July 1959 and three months later on 17th October 1959 was Initiated and became an    Entered Apprentice Freemason.

Wally became interested in Freemasonry at an early age. As a school boy in Auckland he attended annual Oddfellows picnics and noticed that the same identities were boiling the water and chopping the firewood each year and that they were a happy, cheerful group of men that were Freemasons. This made an impression on a lad still at school.

Years later when Wally was employed by the Southland Harbour Board as a Chippy (carpenter) he soon learnt that many of his fellow workers were Freemasons. One of those was the late W Bro Fred Denny and Fred was pleased to Nominate Wally into Freemasonry.

However there was an objection by some Masons to Wally becoming a member of The Fortitude Lodge, as he didn’t live within the required twenty miles of Bluff. Other members claimed that he was entitled to join as he travelled to Bluff daily and spent many hours there at work. The problem of his qualification to join The Fortitude Lodge was eventually resolved.

Wally did his Second Degree at The Edendale Lodge No.289 (now defunct) on the 24th May 1960 and his Master Mason Degree at The Fortitude Lodge on the  20th August 1960.

Wally has had a long and exemplary history in Freemasonry, being Chaplain for the Fortitude Lodge for many years and being a member of two Research Lodges, Taranaki Province No.323 and Southland No.415. He has also been the Principle Officer in the following orders and became a 30 Degree Man.

  • St Andrew – Royal Arch Chapter – No.90
  • Southern Cross – Cryptic Council – No.3
  • Southland Preceptory – Knights Templers – No.6
  • Murihiku Sovereign – Rose Croix Chapter – No.36
  • Red Cross of Constantine
  • Royal Order of Scotland
  • Invercargill – Secret Monitor – No.6

Above is a picture of Wally accompanied by members of The Fortitude Lodge at a Lunch at the Ascot Hotel in Invercargill on the 7th September 2017 to Celebrate his Birthday. Representatives of the Other Masonic Orders Wally has been in were also at the meal.