Past Depute GZ celebrates 40 years as Royal Arch Mason
October 14, 2019Jubilee Scholarship Presentation in Nelson
December 16, 2019Cromwell Coronation RAC Installation
On Thursday 21st November 2019, VE Comp John Hanning was reinstalled as First Principal of Cromwell Coronation Royal Arch Chapter No 20 at Lodge Dunstan in Clyde, Central Otago. The installation was attended by member of the Grand Royal Arch Lodge, including RE Comp Phil Ivamy, Grand Haggai who had travelled quite some distance south to join us for the event.
Back row, left to right: E Comp Ted Clouston, Sup. Of Works, RE Comp Phil Ivamy, Grand Haggai, RE Comp Alistair Low, Grad Supt. (who conducted the installation), E Comp Rory Butler, Second Principal, VE Comp John Hanning, First Principal, E Comp Alex Davis, Third Principal, E Comp Malcom Moore, 2nd Soj. Front row: RE Comp J.E. Jellyman, P.G. Supt., RE Comp G.J. McGhie, P.G. Supt., RE Comp Jack Benfell, P.G. Supt., RE Comp Colin Weir, S.G.R., RE Comp Noel Anderson, P.G.H.