135 Year’s Service Honoured
April 22, 2021Grand Convocation and Proclamation 2022
September 27, 2021William Fergusson Massey meet GZ
Meet the First Grand Principal
What a wonderful night we had at William Ferguson Massey Royal Arch Chapter No 61 on Monday 12 April! Grand Superintendent Mike Downey had invited all the sitting Principals of Chapters and Councils in the Auckland District to attend and be presented to our First Grand Principal Ron Lane, a member of our Chapter. It was a great compliment to our new GZ that every Chapter and Council was represented, and M E Comp Ron took the time to chat with them all individually before presenting each with a Royal Arch lapel badge and collectively thanking them for their considerable support..
V E Comp Tony Jenkin PGStdB, GPA was then presented and the First Grand Principal praised his secretarial and administrative prowess, having now served as our Scribe Ezra for over 40 consecutive years! Tony is held in such high regard that M E Comp Lane also read in full a letter of commendation from Grand Scribe Ezra R E Comp Alan Hart, before presenting him with a 5-year bar to his Forty year Jewel. Tony
has a great memory and during his reply recounted a number of interesting anecdotes.
We then prevailed once again upon the First Grand Principal who responded by presenting a Royal Arch certificate to Comp Norman Mokoraka.
Far too much food in refectory ensured every companion was well catered for, and this final hour of friendship capped off a happy, relaxed and important evening for WFM No 61.
V E Comp Chris Leigh, Z
First Principal meets a fellow WFM companion
Meeting the Auckland District Principals
5 year bar to 40 year Service Jewel for VE Comp Tony Jenkin
Comp Mokoraka receives his Royal Arch Certificate
A happy, harmonious meeting