Grand Convocation and Grand Installation in Victoria April 2018
September 18, 2017Grand Master’s Reception at Royal Arch in Auckland
October 9, 2017First Grand Principals Award – Aurora in Awe
At the close of September meeting of Aurora Royal Arch Chapter, VEComp Tom Norris was presented with a First Grand Principals Award (much to his surprise) by MEComp Geoff Davies PGZ, assisted by REComp Ken Burt G Supt.
The award was for his contribution to Aurora Chapter in particular and the assistance given to other chapters over the last 40 years. Tom has been the Chapters Treasurer for many years as well as being responsible for the setup and care of the Chapters assets. Nothing has been a problem.
Tom was supported by his wife Margaret, who assisted by keeping things hushed up.
As one might expect Tom was almost speechless when it came time for him to say a few words, particularly when he found that Margaret was in the Chapter, right behind him.
VEComp Herb Carberry PG Soj