Kawatiri Installation with GZ
November 21, 2017
Northland RAC a moveable feast!
January 18, 2018
Kawatiri Installation with GZ
November 21, 2017
Northland RAC a moveable feast!
January 18, 2018

Timaru team rich in experience

Photo – From left, Jock Jellyman (H), Dennis Gordon (GJ), Ted Butler (Z), Brian White (GZ) and Eion  Miller (J).

Timaru Royal Arch Chapter No 15 had the pleasure and privilege of a visit by First Grand Principal Brian White at our installation meeting on September 6 at the Ashburton Masonic Centre. He was also accompanied by RE Comp Dennis Gordon, the Third Grand Principal.

The meeting was in Ashburton because of the fire which destroyed our own premises in Timaru in June 2016. Whilst progress is being made towards completion of the reconstruction, we have been told that it will be around December before we can again occupy our own premises (and this cannot come quickly enough!).

ME Comp White applauded the effort being made by Timaru Chapter to maintain its existence and enthusiasm in very trying circumstances, and offered support from Grand Chapter if  required.

The depth of experience of the Chapter’s Principals for the year was remarked on during the ceremony: VE Comp Ted Butler generously offered to do a third term as First Principal (for which dispensation was granted); RE Comp Jock Jellyman agreed to be Second Principal and RE Comp Eion Miller is our Third Principal – all in all, a very experienced trio of Principals.

To add further lustre to the evening, ME Comp White presented RE Comp Miller was presented with his 40 Years’ Service Award with the customary congratulations, to which Eion responded with his own modest thanks.

MEComp Eoin Dryden PGZ