Timaru team rich in experience
November 28, 2017A Centurion with Fortitude at St Andrew
February 16, 2018Kaipara Mahurangi Royal Arch Chapter No 80 and Wellsford Marsden Lodge No 169
On Thursday 14 December the Kaipara Mahurangi Royal Arch Chapter No 80 which has a peripatetic charter held its last regular for 2017 at the Wellsford Marsden Lodge under dispensation so that together with the ladies and Brethren of the Wellsford Marsden Lodge No 169 a shared Christmas luncheon could be enjoyed at the Wellsford RSA.
A highlight of the day was the belated investiture of VE. Comp Jack Robson with the collar and jewel of Scribe N which was not previously possible after the accident on his mobility scooter. He was also recently invested with his collar and jewel as Deputy Master of the Okara Daylight Lodge No 461. It is great to see him back on deck and making a good recovery from his injuries.