Hawkes Bay Jubilee Memorial Scholarship Recipient
April 27, 2016
Inaugural Silver Trowel Participants
May 1, 2017
Hawkes Bay Jubilee Memorial Scholarship Recipient
April 27, 2016
Inaugural Silver Trowel Participants
May 1, 2017

Monday 22 February proved to be a happy and festive “Emergency” Meeting for the Mt Maunganui Chapter No 103.

The first highlight of the occasion was to host a visit from our First Grand Principal M E Comp Geoff Davies who had very kindly travelled from Wellington to present a Forty Year Service Jewel to our own M E Comp Les Borrell P G Z.

Following the reception of Grand Chapter the meeting was formally closed and the Companions welcomed a large number of visiting Royal Arch Companions, wives, partners, family members and friends we then proceeded to enact the second highlight – the highly emotional presentation of the lovely jewel to Les at the hands of M E Comp Davies.

The third and very enjoyable highlight came in the refectory proceedings with a short twenty-five  minute recital by the Carmel Singers who are a choral group based within the Carmel Country Estate Retirement Village in Tauranga which Les has coached and directed for about  twelve years.

Les had asked them if they would like to participate in the festivities and they graciously and enthusiastically gave  up their time to contribute to a very happy evening.