Antarctica and Covid-19
April 19, 2020
Questions for Companions – Parts 1-6
June 5, 2020
Antarctica and Covid-19
April 19, 2020
Questions for Companions – Parts 1-6
June 5, 2020

Royal Arch Chapters should remain closed until 1st July 2020

As indicated by the Government while many of the limitations have changed the ones which affect groups such as us remain a hindrance to a realistic gathering of Companions.

These implications have again been fully considered by Management Council which continues to hold regular Zoom virtual meetings.

Regular meetings and/or ceremonials are not an option under Level 2. Equally, we currently have a Masonic meeting embargo in place until 31st May, so there is unlikely to be any change to the status quo before then.

After a careful consideration of the likely parameters which Chapters/Councils would need to follow in accordance with the Governments decrees such as recording details of attendees, social distancing, sanitising etc it is strongly recommended that Chapters and Councils do Not meet until after the 1st July at least.

Management Council will again meet on Friday 29th May and at that time will be able to consider further material which may be provided by Grand Lodge and/or government which may be relevant for Companions.

The First Grand Principal has again exercised his healing powers to cover in a blanket manner any breech of your By Laws or the Constitution arising from these determinations.

Installations remain an issue but realism and concern for our members must be paramount. Current Principals and TIM/DM/PCW’s remain in office as before. Business measures including ballots may be taken electronically.

Please continue to keep in contact with your companions and equally support your Lodges.

Happy to answer any questions.

Fraternal regards

Alan Hart, GSE

Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Zealand



88 Cedar Drive,

Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu 5032

04 904 3150

021 045 7003