GZ at Peace
April 20, 2021William Fergusson Massey meet GZ
April 27, 2021135 Year’s Service Honoured
135 Year’s Service Honoured

Mahatma Gandhi said, ”The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
And these words certainly rang true when M E Comp Ron Lane, First Grand Principal, visited our Howick Chapter No 101 on Tuesday 20 April, to honour the service given to Royal Arch by three of our companions. After individual tributes were read out, M E Comp Ron congratulated each recipient, noting that their individual service was wide and varied, which indicated that there is always a niche available for all of us where we can fit in and make a valuable contribution. We are a daylight Chapter and a catered lunch afterwards ensured we left for home full of food and full of pride in our companions.
V E Comp Warwick Milbank, Z
V E Comp Ross Kirkbride (40), V E Comp Alan Bevins (40+2×5 year bars), Ron Lane,GZ , R E Comp Ray Potter (40+5 year bar), V E Comp Warwick Milbank, Z