Grand Convocation 2012 Pictures
September 12, 2012RE Comp Don Lowrie 1933 – 2013
January 25, 2013Originally posted Sep 26, 2012
In the Royal Arch Forum at the Grand Convocation in Wellington in March 2012 RE Comp Alan Hart Grand Lecturer presented the Keynote Address “Holding The Line”, the Convocation Theme.
In his address Alan addressed the attitudes to membership numbers which have pervaded the Craft as well as the Royal Arch, concluding that the answer, as it always was, is in our hands. He concluded by writing “Let us hold fast to the principles we espouse and stay true to the philosophy of the Order. The piece of cut line you all have is symbolic of such an approach – individually the small pieces are virtually useless but it is what we do with them which matters. Put together they make a mighty rope. You may recall that earlier I said that my aim today was simply to make you realise what you already know. I trust that I don’t need to spell it out but the phrase “If it is to be it is up to me” may help.”
You can read his address by navigating to Library or by clicking here.