Keep calm and carry on
April 16, 2020
Antarctica and Covid-19
April 21, 2020Freemasons New Zealand ANZAC Day Appeal
You all received an ANZAC Day Poppy in your March 2020 New Zealand Freemason magazine and on your behalf Freemasons New Zealand made a donation to the RSA Welfare Fund in thanks. Perhaps that Poppy can be prominently displayed somewhere in your house or sit with your Teddy Bear in the window or be attached to your mailbox. We are sure that you come up with many safe ideas.
Indeed those returning from World War 1, where ANZAC Day originated, faced a similar situation with the ‘flu epidemic’ which killed some 20 million people around the world and that may be something to reflect upon as well during this Covid-19 ANZAC Day.
Additionally, The Freemasons Charity is making available $10,000 to the RSA Welfare Fund, to assist them with their Poppy Day Appeal, which they have had to forego this year and we would like to double that. We urge Freemasons and Lodges to support this appeal and we have opened an account to receive your donations at Heartland Bank – Freemasons New Zealand ANZAC Day Appeal – 03-1783-0450087-003 electronically by Direct Credit with your name or lodge name in reference. The general public may also make donations which will be gratefully received the faithfully applied. (If a cheque is your preferred option that may be sent to Freemasons New Zealand P O Box 6439, Wellington 6141).