Potter Masonic Trust Grant Programme

Our Focus & Criteria:

Opportunity for change

The extent to which the grant will provide opportunity for the young people specified in the application to:

    • expand their comfort zone
    • increase their self-confidence, self-worth and/or resilience
    • develop and grow by attaining life and social skills including, for example, communication skills
    • be inspired to change
    • improve the lives of those participating
    • break-out of their current circumstances, where these are detrimental to their future.

Improve Health

The extent to which the grant will improve the mental or physical health conditions of the young people specified in the application. This includes the extent to which the grant will assist young people:

    • with support when faced with chronic physical health conditions
    • to improve their mental health (this may include opportunities to be with others with similar conditions to help them understand they are not alone in their condition)
    • to thrive physically and mentally

This criterion also includes the extent to which the grant will enable research or changes in policy settings to:

    • improve the lives of young people with chronic health conditions or;
    • develop and deliver programmes that will help young people thrive physically and mentally

This criterion will not include consideration of grants for the provision of health treatments which should be provided by the State.

Respite to Family

The extent to which the grant will provide respite to the family and other supporters of the young people specified in the application.

In considering respite, factors to think about may include the number of people who will receive respite, the duration of the respite, the degree of support already available to the family and the magnitude of the challenges faced by the family on a daily basis in supporting the young people in the application.

Access to support

The extent to which the grant will provide access to young people who are otherwise unable to access the support needed. This includes consideration of the extent to which the young people in the application are economically disadvantaged and the extent to which the grant would help ‘level the playing field’.

Special consideration will be given to any application for support to young people who have been orphaned.

Demonstration of the Values of Freemasonry

The extent to which the outcomes of the grant-funded activity demonstrate the values of Freemasonry (Masonic Values). That is the extent to which the grant will assist young people in the development of the following:

    • Respect: by encouraging tolerance and understanding amongst young people.
    • Leadership: by developing leadership and growth amongst young people.
    • Enjoyment: by providing an enjoyable and respectful environment for young people.
    • Charity and welfare: by supporting young people to help those in need, to raise the quality of life within society, and to be a helping hand.
    • The demonstration of compassion and improvement of society.

Apply here

Our Grant Rounds:

Grant Round



Round One 1 July 30 September
Round Two 1 January  31 March






The Potter Masonic Trust is the legacy of Bro Frederick Seymour Potter (1847-1941).  The Trust funds projects in the northern half of the North Island generally relating to children and youth.  The focus is on furthering education, health and well-being and providing experiences for children and youth in the community.