We are happy to announce that Freemasons New Zealand has once again partnered with Special Olympics New Zealand (SONZ), to be the Premier Partner to their 2025 National Summer Games.
Countdown to the 2025 National Summer Games in Christchurch:
10th - 14th December 2025
Our sponsorship is worth $225,000, from The Freemasons Charity, and we are anticipating that Lodges and members will also get involved with SONZ in a hands-on way - fundraising, volunteering etc.
This is the first of a number of updates and resources for your Lodges about what is being planned around this major initiative, and how you can get actively involved.
Initial Information for Lodges
We are coordinating with the Divisional Grand Almoners and District Charity Officers who will head communication and engagement to the Lodges regarding SONZ Fundraising Initiatives. Lodge Secretaries will be contacted by their District Charity Officer regarding SONZ Sports Clubs and Lodge/District Fundraising Initiatives.
All SONZ Sports Clubs are now independent charitable trusts, meaning that funds raised by a Lodge/District can and should be designated to a particular SONZ Club. All funds raised will be paid out directly to the Lodge/Districts’ chosen SONZ Club.
The Freemasons Charity will provide a 1:1 subsidy for Lodges, or a 2:1 subsidy for Districts (to a maximum of $5,000). More information on how to apply for TFC fund-matching to come.
Please contact the Grand Secretary if you have queries:
021 051 2020