Freemasons volunteer at Special Olympics swim meet
July 29, 2021![](https://freemasonsnz.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Special-Olympics-Logo-1.jpg)
Freemasons in Northland support Special Olympics
August 2, 2021Poppy for Special Olympics.
About 50 Freemasons, Partners, Family and Friends supported the Freemasons New Zealand Special Olympics – National Summer Games by a fundraiser with the New Zealand film ‘Poppy’ at Pahautanui, just north of Wellington.
It was organised by The Saint Andrews Lodge No 32.We would love to hear what your Lodge is doing to support the Freemasons New Zealand Special Olympics in Hamilton from 8-12 December 2021.
Fund Raising Movie for Special Olympics
Freemasons in the Central Division are encouraged to support the Film Poppy as part of the fund raising effort by The St Andrew Kilwinning Lodge No 79 for the Special Olympics. It raised $6-7,000 with a subsidy from The Freemasons Charity.
Libby Hunsdale who plays Poppy featured in the New Zealand Freemason magazine in December 2020 and was the winner of Attitude Youth Courage Award.
Another Central Division Lodge has Poppy as a Fundraiser
Lodge Haeata No 272 from the Hawkes Bay is helping the local Special Olympics with another fundraiser of the successful New Zealand Film ‘Poppy’ shortly and received support from the star of the film Libby Hunsdale.