Freemasons University Scholarships 2016 Video
August 22, 2016NZ Freemason magazine for September out
September 2, 2016The Grand Installation for free!
All New Zealand Freemasons can attend for free both the Grand Communication (Business Session) 18th November and The Grand Installation on 19th November 2016 in Wellington.
This is one of the best ceremonial events you will ever witness and your chance to be part of running of Freemasons New Zealand and remember it only happens triennially.
The Grand Communication is on Friday afternoon and The Grand Installation is on Saturday afternoon. It would be helpful for the organisers if you registered online at and pick that option (on 2nd page of Registration Form). If going to any of the other associated events they must be paid for.
You are required to wear Business Suit or Business Suit/Formal Attire depending on the event with your Regalia.