2019 Grand Installation Online Registration
October 29, 2018![](https://freemasonsnz.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/GM-Nelson-Armistice-Day-Wreath.jpg)
Grand Master in 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day Street March
November 15, 2018You will be aware of the Grand Master’s support for the proposed memorial in the French village of Le Quesnoy, to the thousands of New Zealand men killed and maimed in two world wars.
Le Quesnoy has a special connection with New Zealand through the heroism of the New Zealanders who liberated the village from German occupation on November 4, 1918.
This proposal warrants our support individually, and the support of our Lodges, because the sacrifices made by our countrymen deeply reflect our Masonic values of brotherhood, virtue, honour, courage, liberty and equality.
What the Museum will Deliver
The lessons of both wars must never be forgotten and should be retained in our collective memories, and this project will reinforce that objective.
Freemasons were to the fore in the call to arms during both world wars, and the impact of both deeply affected our Craft, so the centenaries of the liberation of Le Quesnoy and the Armistice on November 11 1918 are appropriate occasions to reflect on and acknowledge those sacrifices.
I’m appealing to you to support the project on both a Lodge and individual basis by making a financial contribution towards the memorial – surely a small personal sacrifice in the face of the great sacrifices made by our warrior Brethren.
Le Quesnoy today video
Click here to visit the New Zealand War Memorial Museum Le Quesnoy, France website.
Gary Salmon/Jim Watt/Rob Angelo
Northern/Central/Southern Division Grand Master